
Conceptual Difficulties In Plant Nutrition: Epistemological Analysis Of The Topic And A Systematic Review Of Literature


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Ikerlaria(k): Oier Pedrera; Oihana Barrutia; Jenaro Guisasola; José Ramón Díez
Argitaletxea: IATED
Improvement and updating of the thermotechnics teaching project in industrial engineering


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Ikerlaria(k): Ana Picallo Pérez; Paulo Sarriugarte Onandia; Juan María Hidalgo Betanzos; José María Sala Lizarraga
Kongresua: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
What do teachers think and do about Sustainability at engineering degrees? A new instrument to know it.


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Ikerlaria(k): Zaloa Aginako; Karmele Artano; Mikel Garmendia; Teresa Guraya; Pilar Martinez-Blanco; M. Begona Pena-Lang
Kongresua: 13th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (IEEE EDUCON)
Tokia: UnitedStates
Argitaletxea: IEEE
ISBN: 9781665444347
Antolatzailea: Ieee
L' association BIZIPOZA: les droits des enfants à besoins particuliers au Pays Basque pendant la pandémie de sars-cov2


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Ikerlaria(k): Peio Manterola Pavo
Kongresua: Une éducation inclusive pour un développement durable
ISBN: 9782140261909
Conceptions et opinions relatives aux abus sexuels sur mineurs: una étude dans le secteur public basque


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Ikerlaria(k): Fernández-Fernández, Idoia ; Orbe, Susan; Arraibi Larrea, Garazi
Kongresua: Une éducation inclusive pour un développement durable
ISBN: 9782140261909
Análisis de las emociones, la identidad docente y el autoconocimiento del profesorado dela CAPV: implicaciones y propuestas


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Ikerlaria(k): Nerea Muguruza Azkarraga; Joana Jaureguizar Alboniga-Mayor
Kongresua: XXIX Jornadas de Investigación en Psicodidáctica
ISBN: 978-84-1319-519-3
Factores influyentes en los itinerarios educativos de jóvenes egresados del sistema de protección en la CAPV


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Ikerlaria(k): Aintzane Rodríguez Poza; Joana Miguelena Torrado; Irati Amunarriz Iruretagoiena
Kongresua: Inclusión socioeducativa en periodos de crisis
ISBN: 978-84-18627-80-4
32 ans de la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant. Aperçu historique


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Ikerlaria(k): Luis María Naya Garmendia; Paulí Dávila Balsera; Joana Miguelena Torrado
Kongresua: Une éducation inclusive pour un développement durable
ISBN: 9782140261909
How Far Are School Community´s Mental Models From Scientific Models? Teachers, Pre–service Teachers And Students' Ideas About Forests And Water


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Ikerlaria(k): Ane Zabaleta; Izaro Irusta; Oihana Barrutia; Unai Ortega-Lasuen; José Ramón Díez
Argitaletxea: IATED
Primary School Students’ Ability To Name Native And Exotic Animals Using Biome Photos: A Preliminary Study


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Ikerlaria(k): Oihana Barrutia; Oier Pedrera; Unai Ortega-Lasuen; José Ramón Díez
Kongresua: INTED 2023: 17th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Argitaletxea: IATED